SILVER SPRING, Md. — Annual Council is in full swing, but with a free afternoon on Friday, October 6, several members of the General Conference Executive Committee decided to sneak off to the International Spy Museum in Washington D.C.
“We’re just here, taking in the sights, learning how to better perfect our craft,” said Jay Bonde from the Trans-European Division who seemed to be the ringleader of the group of two dozen or so EC members who were milling about the facility.
“You know, these latest crackdowns by the top brass just really don’t sit well with us,” added Ralph Dole also from TED, who joined the conversation from behind a potted plant in the atrium.
Peering out from between the fronds of a peace lily, Bonde said, “security’s been tight. Any document we see in our meetings, we have to sign our name to and then they collect and count the papers at the end of the meetings. Whatever happened to transparency?”
Ben Arnold from the North American Division, who was just exiting an exhibit called, “The Spies Among Us,” had this to say: “They’ve been trying to sniff out the mole on his Executive Committee for months, wondering who’s been feeding some of these independent Adventist journalists their scoops.”
“But what he doesn’t realize,” Martha Hardy from the Inter-European Division chimed in, “is it’s not just one mole. It’s dozens of us. And the more paranoid he becomes, the more secrets he tries to hold on to, the more of us it creates.” For emphasis, she swept her arm toward the “School for Spies” exhibit where a large group of EC members were milling.
“Someone has to have the courage to speak truth to power. It’s scary when you think you’re the only one, but there’s actually a lot of us. Maybe if we put our noggins together, we could actually effect change. We could make a difference,” mused Bonde, before wandering off to visit an exhibit on classic spy films.
“So far we’ve managed to stay one step ahead of him,” said an unknown EC member, who was sporting dark sunglasses and a trench coat. “After a visit here, that lead will only increase. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’re off to the gift shop. We heard you can purchase pens that secretly double as cameras. Just what we need for those closed door sessions with all those papers we have to sign.”
“The truth always has a way of making itself known, doesn’t it?” added Martha Hardy mysteriously, before rejoining her colleagues.
Special thanks to Ally for the guest post.
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