Local Adventist Hopes Nobody Can Tell He Hasn’t Studied Sabbath School Lesson

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In a daring act of spiritual recklessness, Jeremy Paulsen plans on winging it bigtime in his Sabbath School class discussion this week. The 34-year-old marketing manager has not so much as cracked open his quarterly for several months but is hoping nobody calls him out.

“I’m just going to nod my head a lot and maybe throw out a few ‘amens’ and ‘praise the Lords’ if things get dicey,” said Paulsen. “Hopefully between all the people that did study the lesson sharing their comments, I can blend into the background.”

Paulsen, who has been an Adventist since cradle roll, said he has successfully bluffed his way through many a lesson study by either getting to church late or avoiding questions by launching into moving personal testimonies whenever cornered.


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