Slide Show: 10 resolutions Adventists probably won’t keep

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Ah, the resolutions of a new year: filled with so many good intentions, so much promise! Too bad it will all probably degenerate into a wretched suckpool of despair, half-hearted excuses and flagging energy in a matter of months. But hey, you never know. This could be your year! (Photo via

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  1. Ernie

    Hehehehe…ok, this hit close to to home–I’ve flaked on some of these (like the SS quarterly one and reading the Bible through), but others I’ve done no problem (paying tithe). I’ve started reading the Bible and EGW’s PP simultaneously and decided that I would take as long as I need to….no time limit as long as I keep plugging away. That seems to work better than trying to stick to a daily year-plan for more. More power to those who are able to read through the Bible in a year!

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