Adventist Annual Council recognizes Spectrum Magazine for “fair and unbiased reporting”

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Silver Spring, Md. — World leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church paused for a quick ceremony to recognize Spectrum Magazine’s contribution to Adventist journalism today.

Annual Council discussions were interrupted for 15 minutes at 10 a.m. as GC Communications spokesperson Nomas Porfa invited to the platform Spectrum’s editors as well as “any and all of the informants that have been leaking stories to them over the years.”

Wiping tears of gratitude from his eyes, Porfa said that he spoke for the General Conference Executive Committee and every leader there when he thanked Spectrum for “calming troubled Adventist waters with fair and unbiased reporting.”

He stressed that the beauty of Spectrum’s reporting was that “they would never do something like simply focus on the most dramatic option for church governance we had among a whole bunch of others in the run-up to Annual Council.”

Porfa said that his heart leapt whenever he had the priviledge of welcoming the Spectrum team to high-wattage Adventist business meetings.

“Spectrum serves up the gospel to the 24-hour news cycle better than anyone in Adventism,” added Porfa, sneaking a mildly frustrated look at his bosses. “We in Silver Spring are floundering around in the mid-20th century.”

Said Porfa: “With the unity of our church at stake, it’s important that our members get a well-rounded picture of the important issues our leaders grapple with.”

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  1. Christian Baby

    The reporter who covered this story forgot to mention how fair and balanced Spectrum’s discussion section is. They especially value constructive criticism of the site and are appreciatI’ve of opinions which differ from their own.

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