In a festive faux pas that has set tongues wagging throughout the Advent Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church, Sister Joy Goodcheer, wife of Pastor Nick Goodcheer, was mistakenly identified as...
In a groundbreaking announcement that has sent shockwaves through the Adventist health community, Loma Linda University researchers have declared that pumpkin pie can now be classified as "technically a...
Pastor Gerald Meyers of the Pleasant Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church has been harboring a deep, dark secret: he's absolutely certain that every membership transfer request is a direct result of his...
The North American Division Singles Ministry has announced the launch of a groundbreaking support group aimed at helping Adventists recover from their missionary dating...
In a groundbreaking display of unanimous decision-making, the entire congregation of Peaceful Valley SDA Church demonstrated perfect unity last Sabbath by collectively avoiding Sister...
In a groundbreaking moment of personal accountability, local church member Brad Thompson has publicly acknowledged that his recent demolition of an entire batch of...
In a groundbreaking development that has Adventist mathematicians buzzing, researchers at the General Conference's newly established Department of Digital Righteousness claim to have developed...