Advent-Lift Ride-Sharing App, Promises to Get You to Church on Time (or Your Tithe Back!)

SILVER SPRING, Md. — Tired of showing up late to Sabbath School because you refused to start your car on holy time? Fear not, weary Adventist traveler – the General Conference has you covered Read more […]

9 Reasons the Local Adventist Church Brings Hope

1. Real Fellowship (Away from General Conference Drama) The local Adventist congregation is your safe haven from the theological arm-wrestling of General Conference votes. Here, it’s all about Read more […]

Adventist Spends Entire Service Praying For Strength to Say “No” to Nominating Committee Roles

As Sister Diane Overcommitted took her usual seat in the third pew from the front, she knew what was coming. Her body tensed up as she spotted Elder Tasker making his way down the aisle, arms Read more […]

Deacon Calling You “Sister” Has Clearly Forgotten Your Name Again

There you are, minding your own business at church, when Deacon Wilbur approaches with that tight-lipped smile that means he’s about to ask you to do the children’s story. “Happy Sabbath, Sister,” Read more […]

Introvert Escapes Through Church Fire Exit to Avoid Chatty Deacon

It was another scorching Sabbath morning at Tumbleweed Seventh-day Adventist Church and the air conditioning wasn’t cooperating. Jared, the quintessential introvert, was already perspiring through Read more […]

Deceased Adventist Couple, COSTCO Members, Leave Huge Quantities of Supplies to Church

When Wilbur and Agnes Stillbody passed away within a month of one another leaving their entire estate to the church, the conference trusts and wills director was surprised to discover that a large Read more […]

Tourist Adventist Crushed When Asked to Preach Upon Arrival at Church

Bernard “Bernie” Bernacki, a man who meticulously planned his vacations down to the brand of non-dairy yogurt he’d pack, was starting to sweat through the one dress shirt he had bothered to pack.  Read more […]

29th Adventist Fundamental: Every Problem is Best Solved by a New Committee

SILVER SPRING, Md. — In a move that surprised absolutely no one, the General Conference Executive Committee has officially enshrined a 29th fundamental belief: every problem, no matter how big Read more […]

MYSTERIOUS: Local Member Always Out Of Town For Scheduled Church Work Bees

Joe Peresoso has an impeccable talent for conveniently being out of town whenever work bees are scheduled at Dusty Shelf SDA. The word around church is this elusive member has a travel excuse Read more […]