Deceased Adventist Couple, COSTCO Members, Leave Huge Quantities of Supplies to Church

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When Wilbur and Agnes Stillbody passed away within a month of one another leaving their entire estate to the church, the conference trusts and wills director was surprised to discover that a large part of the estate was massive quantities of COSTCO merchandize.

“It was such a good deal if you bought in quantity,” Agnes said in a note she left. “We couldn’t pass it up.”

Before the conference can sell their house, they will have to dispose of an entire room of huge packages of paper towels and toilet paper. Other rooms had a lifetime supply of COSTCO pants, shirts and underwear, as well as four freezers full of frozen meat and vegetables, and another room of various kinds of snack foods.

“Every time we got a free sample,” wrote Agnes, “we bought enough so we wouldn’t run out.”

They didn’t.

“We’ll distribute the paper products to all the schools in the whole conference,” the trust director said. The food was distributed to all the pastors and teachers in lieu of a year-end Christmas bonus.


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