In a dramatic campaign appearance that left Adventist leaders scrambling for response, former President Donald Trump appeared at a Wisconsin rally wearing a fluorescent safety vest and promised to...
In a groundbreaking moment of personal accountability, local church member Brad Thompson has publicly acknowledged that his recent demolition of an entire batch of his wife's freshly-baked chocolate chip...
LOMA LINDA, Calif. — In a stunning display of spiritual precocity, 6-month-old Jedediah Remnant stunned his parents and pediatrician by uttering the words "Happy Sabbath!" as his very first words.
The auspicious...
Sawtooth, Tenn. - Conspiracy theorist and self-proclaimed health message expert Soy Lent claims to have uncovered a secret plot by the Illuminati to undermine...
A new study has revealed the favorite hymn among Seventh-day Adventists is whichever one happens to be the closing hymn that Sabbath.
Researchers surveyed...
The General Conference Nominating Committee announced today that they are putting forth additional Adventist candidates for the 2024 US presidential race.
"After the runaway success...
It all began innocently enough when both Sam and Lily Thompson stumbled into their kitchen and found themselves knee-deep in a festive seven-layered mess...