Bible Study Group Spends Six Hours Debating Jesus’s Hairstyle, Fails to Reach Consensus

What started as a routine Wednesday night Bible study at Hairsplit Seventh-day Adventist church quickly spiraled into an intense theological debate when someone innocently asked, “So, what do you Read more […]

15 Reasons to be Adventist

As much as it can be good to have a healthy sense of humor about your faith and avoid taking yourself too seriously, it’s also helpful to think carefully about why you’re an Adventist. Here Read more […]

Marie Kondo to GC: Which Fundamental Beliefs “Spark Joy?”

SILVER SPRING, Md. — In a presentation to overwhelmed General Conference leaders this morning, Japanese organization consultant, Marie Kondo, urged the group to declutter their approach to faith. “Holding Read more […]

Adventist At Cana Wedding Feast Wants Jesus To Turn Wine Into Welch’s

Cana, Israel —- While happy Cana wedding guests enjoyed new wine from 6 stone jars, a nervous Adventist looked around the hall for any sign of a Martinelli’s bottle. Not finding any and Read more […]

Majority of Adventists disagree with Jesus’ stance on eating fish

LOMA LINDA, Calif. — Dietetics researchers from Loma Linda University have published a report in which they find more than 70% of Seventh-day Adventists disagree with Jesus’ tendency to eat Read more […]

Adventist Church supports Obama’s call for end to conversion therapy for gays

SILVER SPRING, Md. — “To borrow a phrase from Pathfinders, we’ve done an ‘About Face’ on this one,” said General Conference Director of Reversals Uwer Baahd at a press conference this morning. Read more […]