Female undergrad takes shortcut through Andrews seminary building, exits engaged

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BERRIEN SPRINGS, Mich. — Sarah Parker, a Junior Biology major at Andrews University officially changed her Facebook status from “Single” to “Engaged” this morning after a different walking route through campus led to a wedding proposal.

Parker, who was attempting to stay out of the cold weather and avoid walking around the Andrews Theological Seminary complex to get to the Student Center, decided to walk through the seminary building instead.

“Out of nowhere, Steve, this fast-talking seminarian guy that I had seen a couple times in the library came up to me. I don’t know how he did it but we ended up sitting down in the study lounge area and having this dramatic, emotional conversation,” said Parker. “Two hours later, he asked me to be his pastor’s wife.”

Although she admits that her proposal story will only add to the stereotype of single seminarians as marriage-hungry and professionally desperate, Parker is convinced that she will soon marry an exception to the rule.

Steve is “super cute and not like those other creeps in the seminary” said Parker. “He’s articulate, really friendly and always prepared. He even had a ring ready when he proposed!”

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    1. No. It should have been a nose-ring and bracelets. Those were the Bible methods of showing engagement according to Genesis 24. “And Abraham’s servant took out a gold nose ring and two gold bracelets and placed them upon Rebekah.” (Gen. 24:22-30.)

    1. Watches are not biblical; they used sundials in those days. Can you imagine placing a big sundial on her wrist? Actually, for betrothal they used a nose-ring and bracelets. “And Abraham’s servant took out a gold nose ring and two gold bracelets and placed them upon Rebekah” as a sign of engagement. (Gen. 24:22-30.)

  1. Milla smith

    Actually one needs to take this multiple choice quiz first:
    A. The young lady is an RN
    B. The young lady plays the piano
    C. The young lady is willing to teach Sabbath School. The earliteen classes
    D. The church board will give its blessing on the ring situation if all of the above are in place

    1. One of the van Puttens (yep)

      True. I got engaged with a diamond ring. No one looks at your wrist to determine if you’re engaged. And I’m old-school, but let’s be real. And I have 2 church board positions (oh we’re married now; I still wear the ring).

  2. Sharon

    “…he asked me to be his pastor’s wife” would indicate that the guy asked her to marry his pastor. Might wanna change the wording, since this will be a widely-read story.

    I like that ring.

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