GC applies for infallibility permit from Vatican

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The application is expected to take a while to process.
The application is expected to take a while to process.
SILVER SPRING, Md. — In an effort to ensure “streamlined compliance with new policy,” the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists has filed an application for infallibility with the Vatican.

The infallibility permit would allow the GC to craft binding policy “without all the back-and-forth of floor debates,” said GC Unity Enforcement spokesperson Ben Edictus.

“We don’t have a lot of time here and there is something about infallibiity status that helps people fall in line faster,” said Edictus.

While he stressed that GC officials had already done their honest part to exude an air of infallibility, Edictus said that official status from Rome “would help seal the deal.”

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  1. Doomed

    I see an amalgamation on the cards….
    The only issue still to be agreed upon still is who is rightfully holds the title “highest authority on earth”, uncle Ted or the Pope?

  2. Hartmut W Sager

    This was long overdue! This was the de facto understanding all along anyway, since any questioning of doctrines, beliefs, and statements was routinely answered with the implied infallibilty of Ellen G White’s writings, aka Spirit of Prophecy. However, with the ascendancy of Pope Wilson II, and his efforts to move the Adventist Church back to a staunch EGW basis, this became pretty well unavoidable.

  3. Margaret Poole

    Its no wonder so many millennials are leaving the SDA Church. I’m a Baby Boomer and am sad at the organizational structure of our church which opens the door to this kind of “infallibility” decisions made by old men in dark suite. May God have mercy on those in the church who hold back the progress of the Holy Spirit by splitting hairs on issues that have nothing to do with our salvation. Perhaps those who are part of the great “falling away” more accurately reflect the love of Christ and have more of His Grace in their hearts than many of the GC leaders. Maybe, just maybe.

  4. I found the “666” on that crown. It is sewn inside the head band in the back. Also, printed underneath is “one size fits all”. Doesn’t the SOP say the GC in session is the highest authority in making theological decisions? It works for me. In 2020, I am campaigning to get on the GC Executive Committee. I have fresh ideas. No connections to the good old boys. No more back room decisions. Transparency all the way. If you don’t go along, you won’t get along. Get my drift? Let’s start with a clean house. No more secret meetings. I’ll meet with the Pope and share the “Truth”!. Guaranteed!! Woe iz me!!

  5. Dr. Candy

    Sevvy totally needs to make a Purge trailer based on this whole situation. A lot of my friends are saying nonconforming employees will be purged from the church, so I’m thinking Purge: Repentance Year

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