Ben Carson to replace Scaramucci as Trump media chief

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Thinking Big
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Ben Carson has been tapped to replace Anthony Scaramucci as White House Communications Director.

“I realize that being communications director around here has turned into a game of musical chairs but I’ll have you know that I know a thing or two about music,” said Carson, the Adventist former neurosurgeon who plays a number of instruments as a hobby.

The failed presidential candidate said that he had been to enough Adventist church socials to know that winning at musical chairs was possible if you remembered to “stay vigilant as nobody knows the day or the hour when the music stops.”

Carson said that if he lasts in the White House communications job for more than 10 days (the amount of time served by Scaramucci), he would consider himself a success.

He added that if he fails he is fine taking a break from government work as being US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (his current job in the Trump administration) was “one heck of a great disappointment.”

Some have questioned the wisdom of putting someone as gaffe-prone as Carson in the role of White House Communications Director.

Carson brushed aside the critiques reminding reporters that regardless of comments he had made in the past, he had literally made a career of getting inside people’s heads.

He warned that if media representatives were uncooperative in White House press briefings, they would be invited to “just talk to my gifted hands cause my face is fast asleep.”

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  1. BuckyKat

    You had me going for a second there with the headline in my inbox until I realized where it came from. I mean with this administration, anything is possible. I was almost to bang my head against my desk repetitively (maybe I could keep Dr. Carson busy fixing things instead of accepting the appointment) till I saw the sender. Love the guy, but “Great Communicator” he’s not.

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