Boris Johnson Commits To Taking Christian Grooming And Manners Pathfinder Honor

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LONDON, UK – In response to political pressure to sort out his hair, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has committed to taking radical action in 2021.

Standing at a podium, with hair completely askew during a Downing Street press briefing today, Johnson said he was going to focus his energies on completing the Christian Grooming and Manners Pathfinder honor in the new year.

“I’ve heard through the grapevine that Adventists know how to clean up and all their secrets are available to anyone willing to earn this little patch,” said Johnson.

The PM added that, “handling this hair issue will make Brexit look like child’s play.”



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One comment

  1. Richard Mills

    Which Master Guide will do the instructing. What if Johnson fails thr test? Can Johnson get it done by the next NAD Camporee? Johnson could use a little make up on his face. Keep me posted!!

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