Altar calls are a time-honored and time-consuming evangelistic tradition that Adventist feel strongly about. How long should they last? Some Adventists speak up:
Juan Lentisimo, Senior Graph Plotter
“Altar calls should continue for as long as they have to. It’s a proven fact that if you dim the lights, play soft music and keep asking if there is one more person who wants to come up front, someone will eventually volunteer.”
Martha Magda, Sleep Center Supervisor
“Any preacher who does an altar call for six minutes should be prepared to give it a rest by the seventh. It’s downright Biblical.”
Frank Blewwitt, Donut Inspector
“I can tell when my pastor is about to do an altar call. I always head for a bathroom break right before he gets started.”
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They never, in my lifetime (I’m 76) have ever dim”d the lights for an alter call. Most preachers that give alter calls are so narcissistic they want to see who comes forward. They also know that if they dim the lights, they can howl on and on and when the lights come back on the church will be empty. I think alter calls are a main reason that church attendance is declining. This may explain why there is so much resistance to evangelistic meetings. Most normal persons hate alter calls.
Altar calls and “small groups” where you’re expected to select 2 or 3 others to take turns praying out loud are the main reasons I stopped going. It got so frequent that I felt too obvious always running out for a bathroom break.
Billy Graham was a master at alter calls. He could get you up out of your seat in a matter of seconds. People came forward by the hundreds, yay, even by the thousands. Maybe SDA pastors should study Graham’s strategy.You will see results. Guaranteed. Come on down!. Get saved NOW!!