Philippine President Duterte tells Adventists to evangelize South China Sea

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Duterte advocates a South China Sea policy of friendship evangelism.
Duterte advocates a South China Sea policy of friendship evangelism.
MANILA, Philippines — In a statement this morning, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte encouraged Seventh-Day Adventists in his country to evangelize islands in the South China Sea. The president called the matter an item of “urgent evangelistic policy.”

Duterte has so far taken a conciliatory approach to handling the dispute his country has with China over ownership of several islands in the South China Sea. In lieu of forceful engagement he said that it “could not hurt” to start the evangelistic effort aimed at reaching any and all human occupants of the area.

Adventists, who are well-known for their evangelistic efforts, are said to be weighing the invitation carefully. As Duterte’s suggestion is fundamentally peaceful in nature, Adventists are unlikely to reject it on pacifist grounds.

Duterte said that no aggressive actions would be taken if Adventists were to engage inhabitants of the South China Sea islands and added that fluency in Mandarin was a helpful prerequisite for door-to-door visitation. He suggested Adventists pursue a “friendship evangelism” strategy.

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  1. richard mills

    This is a politically charged agenda of the President. It amounts to religious suicide as the Chinese government does not tolerate Christians of any sort. Stay home. Do some community service work in your hometown.

  2. Steve

    Well, my wife’s family is half Chinese and taught Mandarin at home but we have a Commander in chief and He has already told us to go into all the world and teach all nations. For a President to recognize we are to be evangelists because we already are is laudable but we need no council on who why or how.

  3. Anthony

    In that opportunity as a SDA, there is no impossible with us, because the message of God is sharp like a twoedged sword,. 🙂

    For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

    Bible KJV – Hebrews – Chapter 4:12

    obtained using the Holy Bible,

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