Report: Adventist homes dirtier in winter due to early Friday sunset

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Blame it on sunset
Blame it on sunset.
SILVER SPRING, Md. — Results from a year-long study into the cleanliness of Adventist homes point to dramatic drop in standards as the winter months have brought earlier Friday sunsets.

“Adventist homes typically get cleaned in a manic scramble about an hour before sunset,” said Noes Limpia, spokesperson for the research team that made unannounced weekend inspections of Adventist households this year.

“For some reason, people have decided that standards can drop over the winter months because they have less time on their hands to get things done on Fridays.”

Limpia said that of the Adventists interviewed in the study, hardly anyone felt that earlier sunsets warranted shifting the home cleanup day to Thursday.

“Nobody wants to mess with a time-honored tradition, especially when sunset gets them out of doing anything more than is strictly necessary.”

Limpia added the only thing keeping Adventist homes clean this coming weekend is the pressure of having judgemental relatives over for Christmas.

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  1. I hide my stash of Little Debbies under the bed. Stay away from my crib, man! Maybe your church gets cleaned on Friday nights? Anybody care to comment? I thought we prepare for the Sabbath at the beginning of the week? Maybe we are too busy. See ya in church & SS this week.

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