Video: Union College therapist counsels clinically depressed math book

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This cracked us up. Have a great weekend, everyone!


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  1. My friend once counseled a clinically depressed snail. The counseling session took forever because the snail was so slow in crawling up onto the therapy couch. Then, after 3 hours of counseling, the snail finally said that he doesn’t understand human language and he refused to pay. By then, the therapist was depressed, too.

  2. richard mills

    Methinks this math book is an offshoot of the Common Core that is a disaster around the country. Whatever happened to basic math? Or is this a Communist threat to us students? Someone please show me the way. Woe iz me.

    1. Joe McCarthy

      Richard, you’re right: it’s a Communist threat. Everybody knows there’s a Communist hiding under every rock along with the Jesuits. Not sure how they all fit under those rocks. Either the rocks are really big, or the Communists and Jesuits are really small.

    2. Millie Richards

      Common core is a great basic math curriculum. Don’t you know that’s what Abe Lincoln use to study by candlelight? In fact, it’s been around since Columbus invented America, or at least since the Righteous Brothers invented the airplane.

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