Wearing Adventist t-shirts drastically improves your odds of a Vespers Date

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BERRIEN SPRINGS, Mich. — Single Adventists faced with navigating the ultra-competitive world of equally-yoked dating have lately been clamoring for the ultimate competitive advantage: Adventist t-shirts.

Andrews University-based researchers noted that test subjects who wore Adventist t-shirt were 28% more successful in attracting vespers dates than those that wore regular t-shirts.

“This is huge,” said lead researcher, Latch Daughtcohm. “These t-shirts have the potential to rock the very foundations of Adventist courtship.”

Daughtcohm stressed that more than playing an instrument or knowing how to fix a mean Special K Loaf, wearing Adventist t-shirts just gives the impression you’re passionate and caring about the faith, a highly attractive trait in potential mates.

He cautioned that before a love-struck Adventist can even get to talking about marriage and multiplying the earth, there is the exacting hurdle of Adventist parents that present their own challenges.

“Nothing impresses Adventist parents more than if you bring home a date wearing an Adventist t-shirt,” said Daughtcohm.

“You might as well say you are pre-med and just got into Loma Linda.”

Order your shirt for your next vespers!

By the way, THIS IS A SPONSORED POST by SDAshirts.com

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  1. Richieeeee Rich

    I prefer the 2300 day chart on my t-shirt. Sure gets lots of attention. Also, the Little Debbie logo is quite attractive on any t-shirt. How about a pix of Teddie? I see potential here. Marketing is the answer. Get ’em out in WalMart, Sam’s, K-Mart, Sears, Target, Costco, Dollar Tree, etc. like the leaves of autumn. Send me one (large). I’ll wear it to SS & Church.

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