9 Reasons to Teach Children’s Sabbath School

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You need some compelling reasons to say “yes” to the persistent calls for more kids’ Sabbath School teachers at your local church. Here are 9:

You have nothing else to do

You have absolutely nothing on your calendar. “Free time” and “stress-free” are your middle names.

You enjoy spending hours craft supply shopping

When you could be grocery shopping, helping your kids with homework or taking a well-deserved nap, you are hunting for googly eyes and rainbow-colored pipe cleaner. Joy.

Other people’s kids are your responsibility 

Your own kids aren’t enough pressure.

You thrive on absolute chaos

Nothing feels better than ear-splitting screams, toddlers jumping off chairs and rattles crashing to the floor every other minute.

You love waking up early on Sabbath morning

Extra sleep is over-rated.

All the other parents are more than willing to do their part

The parents of all the other kids in class are practically falling over themselves to be of assistance.

You enjoy emerging from Sabbath School with sweat patches

Image: Reader’s Digest

It’s a good look for your song service leading duties that are up next.

You get paid so much

Church volunteering is a downright cushy gig.

You can help your kids and others get to know Jesus as their best friend and this can change their lives forever.

It’s worth the effort!!!


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