Adventist Church: Phones that ring in services to be confiscated as offering

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The deacon is coming...
The deacon is coming…
SILVER SPRING, Md. — If Adventists ever needed a good reason not to bring their phones to church, here’s one:

If your cell phone rings in an Adventist Church from this coming Sabbath onward, a deacon with an offering basket will collect it as part of the week’s offerings.

The two-pronged push to encourage reverence in church and boost offering totals was instituted after what leaders call “an increasingly discordant symphony of ring tones interrupting Sabbath services at all the wrong times.”

Adventist officials have said that the confiscated phones will then be auctioned off to the highest bidder at church socials.

Leaders warned that any deacon caught trying to make a quick phone sale in the church lobby after the benediction would be driven out with a whip.

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  1. Gregory Matthews

    True story: The Boulder, Colorado SDA Church encourages people to bring and use their cell phones during the church service. The Sr. Pastor, Japhet DeOliveria accepts text messages during the sermon. People may ask a question and comment on the subject of the sermon. Japhet will then tell the congregation the question/comment and respond to it. Others who preach at Boulder, generally do the same.

      1. Richieeeee Rich

        Yo, Joe-The Temple Guards at my church stand ready to defend the faith. They all sing, “Onward Christian Soldiers” marching down the aisle looking for cell phone culprits. I duck out the side door to the downstairs bathroom and wait it out. Come join me next Sabbath.
        PS-The Temple Guards refuse to eat at the Pot Luck. Gotta stay in shape, they say. HA/HA!!

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