Adventist rushed to hospital with plank in eye

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What was that about a speck?
What was that about a speck?
LOMA LINDA, Calif. — An Adventist man with a large plank lodged in his eye was rushed to Loma Linda University Medical Center this morning.

Writhing in pain, Jud Giee said he had no idea how the plank had ended up in his eye as he had simply been composing an email to his small group about all the people that needed prayer in church.

“I was just reminding my small group about how much our young families were in need of prayer as they alone are responsible for the bulk of the irreverent noise creep in church,” said Giee.

He said the plank suddenly appeared in his eye before he could get to the growing number of members that are “clearly phoning it in with their potluck dishes.”

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  1. Troy Loeks

    Its all relative, one person’s Beam is another’s person’s Speck.
    Freinds, 2017 promises to be a mile stone in Prophecy. The end of the Reformation will become familiar again with Bible prophecy, and our Historic Roots. The Shakeing is in full motion!

  2. Troy Loeks

    The previous comment edited:
    Its all relative, one person’s Beam is another’s person’s Speck.
    Freinds, 2017 promises to be a mile stone in Prophecy. The end of the Reformation will be celebrated November 2017.
    Become familiar again with Bible prophecy, and our Historic Roots. The Shakeing is in full motion!

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