Adventist Scientists Forced To Disclose Religious Affiliation Before Recommending Stripples

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Breakfast bias?
LOMA LINDA, Calif. — The American Dietary Association claims that Adventist scientists are allowing their religious bias to color their nutritional recommendations.

The ADA is particularly concerned with what they call “the Adventist tendency to treat Stripples as a nutritional silver bullet.”

In a strident letter to Adventist nutritional researchers, the ADA has demanded they “disclose your religious affiliation and weakness for Stripples” in any research findings that recommend the fake bacon.

“Just because you guys can’t eat breakfast without the stuff doesn’t mean the rest of America also has to develop a sodium addiction,” said the letter.


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One comment

  1. Richard Mills

    I ani’t gonna put all them Stripple chemicals into my body. I’m heading’ over to Duncan for the real plant based sausage Pattie. Yummy Yummy-good for the tummy.I will challenge anyone to plant based eating contest of the Duncan sausage. Let’s see how many we can eat in a fixed time period.

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