Adventists required to provide hints regarding nature of unspoken prayer requests

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Hot or cold?
Adventist World — Adventists making unspoken prayer requests will now be required to provide hints as to the nature of these mysterious petitions to the curious crowd around them. Whether on Sabbath morning or at a small group meeting, members will be asked to provide at least a one-word clue when making unspoken prayer requests. If those around them feel that the clue is too vague, the person making the request may be required to participate in a game of hot and cold so that they can get to the bottom of the exact nature of the request.


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  1. richee rich

    Satire or not-it’s about time. Too many of us raise our hands as a status symbol to avoid stigmatism. You go along to get along. Makes the Elders & Pastor look good. Can I hear a LOUD AMEN!! I can’t hear you! Let’s do it again-AMEN!!

  2. richee rich

    Satire or not-it’s about time. Too many of us raise our hands as a status symbol to avoid stigmatism. You go along to get along. Makes the Elders & Pastor look good. Can I hear a LOUD AMEN!! I can’t hear you! Let’s do it again-AMEN!!

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