“There’s never enough time to get all your pre-Sabbath cleaning and ironing done, let alone bake the perfect lentil roast,” said Final Hour Catering Spokesperson, Debbie Little. “We are happy to take all your potluck responsibilities off your hands.”
Little said that the catering service even delivers the potluck dish to the fridge of any participating Adventist church before Friday sunset.
She said that all that is needed from the customer is highly-permissible Sabbath heating of the potluck dish before it is served.
Little promised that fellow church members will “rave about your Final Hour Catering dish for months.”
All of the catering service’s dishes are vegetarian and, along with delivery, cost a mere $18.44.
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Does the food preparation really take 2300 hours? Or 1260 minutes? The oven temp must be around 1844 degrees in order to deliver before sundown! Don’t forget to include my favorite-Little Debbies deep fired in tofu oil! After eating some of our pot lucks, I thought it was the final hour. Tums for the tummy! Woe iz me!!
After last Sabbath’s pot luck, I really thought it was the final hour. What do these people put in the food anyway? Whatever happened to mashed potatoes, special k-loaf with chicken gravy, mixed veggies, crispy salad, buttered rolls, nice fruit drinks and Little Debbies for dessert?