General Conference demands guarantee of Oscar wins for ‘Hacksaw Ridge’

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SILVER SPRING, Md. — The General Conference headquarters of the Adventist Church has issued a formal demand to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, ordering an advance guarantee of “several Oscars for the best film this year by far, ‘Hacksaw Ridge.'”

The letter issuing the demand on behalf of the film about Adventist conscientious objector Desmond T. Doss says that “because of its subject matter alone this cinematic masterpiece that none of us went to see deserves to win in every category for which it has been nominated.”

GC officials went on to note that they were not at all amused when “Hacksaw Ridge” failed to win any Golden Globes whatsoever.

Although no official written replies have yet been issued by the Academy, Oscars spokesperson Sonne Creidos said that “the mere presumptuousness of this demand proves that these guys are in La La Land.”

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  1. Mark O'Ffill

    I went, I saw. I believe it could potentially win 1 or more. More imporantly, I believe there is honor in being nominated 6 times…. for a timeless story about an incredible man I was thrice privileged to meet, Desmond Doss.

  2. Mark O'Ffill

    I went, I saw. I believe it could potentially win 1 or more. More importantly, I believe there is honor in being nominated 6 times…. for a timeless story about an incredible man I was thrice privileged to meet, Desmond Doss.

  3. Disregarding the “fake news” satire of the story above, I was privileged to meet Desmond Doss in 1980. What an amazing man of valor – an example to us all. It’s too bad they didn’t have smartphones with internet back in the days of WWII. They could have enjoyed great praise & worship music like at

  4. What all the SDA critics of Hacksaw Ridge fail to discern was the lack of steamy sex, etc. This is the stuff that sells from Hollyweird. Nominations don’t make the Oscars. Gibson isn’t an all time favorite in Hollyweird. Got it? Just ask our dear SDA film people in Hollyweird.

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