Little Richard Song Service Scheduled For Next Sabbath

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Image by Anna Bleker – Public Domain
SILVER SPRING, Md. —- Adventists around the world are invited to join a special streaming song service next Sabbath.

The Zoom event will honor the recent passing of rock n’ roll legend Little Richard, widely recognized as one of the most famous celebrities that also happened to be Adventist.

The song service will be packed with online congregational singing and responsive reading of Little Richard’s gospel hits.

Denominational leaders are calling for Total Member Involvement in the song service, encouraging members to brush up on their knowledge of the star’s gospel arrangements ahead of the extravaganza.

Only two rules have been set for the event:

1. Not so much as a two-step is allowed while singing Little Richard’s gospel tunes.

2. Avoid the star’s secular hits like they were pork chops .


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  1. Richard Mills

    Some years ago, Little Richard stopped by our church one bright Sabbath morning. He was on his way to a “gig” at a resort in the Catskills. All heads & eyes turned to the door as he was announced by the greeter, my wife. “Good Golly!!, she said. “It’s Ms. Molly”!! What a wonderful Sabbath day that was. We SDA’a will miss his melodious voice. Rest in Peace, Little Richard.

  2. Richard Mills

    Some years ago, Little Richard stopped by our church one bright Sabbath morning. He was on his way to a “gig” at a resort in the Catskills. All heads & eyes turned to the door as he was announced by the greeter, my wife. “Good Golly!!, she said. “It’s Ms. Molly”!! What a wonderful Sabbath day that was. We SDA’s will miss his melodious voice. Rest in Peace, Little Richard.

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