Musk: Tunnels Can Get Adventist College Students Back to Dorms Before Curfew

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7 minutes before curfew…
LOS ANGELES, Calif. — Billionaire inventor Elon Musk claims that the tunnels he is digging to help urbanites beat traffic gridlock will also have other benefits like “helping students at Adventist colleges get back before their ridiculously early curfews.”

Musk said that although tunnel testing is currently taking place in Los Angeles, his next tunnel will be built between the city of Chattanooga and the campus of Southern Adventist University.

The entrepreneur claimed to be acting out of compassion for Southern students which he said “may as well be living in a medium security incarceration facility.”

Musk said that, providing the tunnels are a success at Southern, they could be dug in Berrien Springs, College Place and “other places nobody has ever heard of.”


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  1. Hartmut W Sager

    This idea is an excellent match to Adventist students, since the Adventist tunnel vision would enable these students to navigate the tunnels better than the rest of the public could do.

  2. richee rich

    I vision traveling the tunnels as a form of tunnel vision. Where there is no tunnel, the students have no vision. If I can have my Little Debbies during this tunnel travel, I’m good to go!

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