New Union College President recruited to professional softball team

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Sauder brings a mean softball pitch to her long list of administrative credentials...
Sauder (pictured at the Saltdogs game) brings a mean softball pitch to her long list of administrative credentials…
LINCOLN, Neb. — “The timing is a little awkward as I literally just took the job as Union College President,” said Dr. Vinita Sauder, former Vice President for Strategic Initiatives at Southern Adventist University. “But a career in professional softball is simply too good an opportunity to pass up.”

Sauder impressed both locals and professional scouts this past Wednesday as she threw the first pitch for local pro baseball team, the Lincoln Saltdogs. “It was just intended as a fun way for Dr. Sauder to get to know the community,” said University spokesperson, Myla Geraty. “Instead, she was offered a contract.”

Professional baseball and softball scouts had been present at the game and were paying special attention to Sauder who had just arrived in Lincoln after relocating from Collegedale, Tenn. “Sauder’s pitch was simply incredible,” said billionaire Lincoln native Toby Dwire, who invested $50 million of his own fortune into starting a Lincoln team for National Pro Fastpitch (the only professional women’s US softball league). “She had perfect form and a natural confidence that we don’t often see. We had no choice but to offer her a job.”

“I do want to make clear that I will be devoting all my free time to my job as Union College President,” said Sauder. “Professional softball is obviously a demanding profession but I am confident that I will make it over to the Union campus for key meetings and some events.”


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    All SDAs understand climbing ever upward. How else can we influence the world? But, I don’t understand her throwing our the first pitch for a team named the SALTdogs! A good Adventist would no more have an association with the word salt than she would with the TEAparty.

    1. Chris Blake

      Yo, Wordyfellow, hast thou never seen where Jesus saith, “Salt is good” (Mark 9:50)? Or the Canaanite woman who said, “Lord, even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table,” to which Jesus answered, “Woman, great is your faith! Let it me done to you as you wish!” (Matt. 15:27, 28)?

      Obviously, the masters’ table has salted food, and any crumbs would have been pitched to the dogs underhanded. Hence, the totally biblical conclusion of pitching underhanded to the Saltdogs.

      Our Dr. Sauder is merely doing God’s will in this enterprise. May her knuckle-curve flourish.

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