Nissan Pathfinder becomes Nissan Scout after legal battle with Adventist Pathfinder Club

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YOKOHAMA, Japan — Car manufacturer Nissan has announced branding changes to one of its most iconic vehicles after losing a trademark infringement legal battle to the Seventh-day Adventist Pathfinder Club.

The clash of claims to the Pathfinder trademark was settled after it became clear that the name had been registered by the Adventist Church in the 1950s, long before the first Nissan Pathfinder was released in 1985.

The legal battle, which has raged for over two years (28 months), brought great relief to Adventists who had been organizing daily marches in front of the Maryland circuit court for the entire ordeal.

The Adventist Pathfinder club was awarded damages in the form of unlimited soap bars for the soap carving honor, as well as an inexhaustible rope supply for knot-tying instruction. Nissan has also offered to provide free transportation for Pathfinders across America as they make their way to Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

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  1. What an excellent legal victory! But instead of providing soap and rope to SDA clubs, the court should have required Nissan to recall every Pathfinder SUV in America and donate them to SDA Pathfinder clubs across the nation, for their official use.

  2. Ryan Belt

    Instead of organizing daily marches for 28 months on the courthouse steps regarding a trademark, maybe the church should have used all of those people to organize a daily outreach to the homeless. Just sayin’.

  3. Clerk

    In the wake of the Pathfinder case, a new legal challenge has been filed. It is a suit against Acura for their old “Legend” trademark, which is a clear violation of the legend that women’s ordination had any real chance of approval in San Antonio. The complaint asserts that the vote was a mere charade and indicates that numerous delegates reported credible threats from their conference leaders to coerce an anti-WO vote, and several conference leaders admitted bending to coercion from high-ups. “We deny the rumors that top G.C. leadership railroaded a certain outcome,” said defense attorney Cora Pshun. While in the pre-suit phase, the complaint will be investigated by the Religious Corruption Unit, said anonymous court personnel.

    1. Donald Tramp

      Not as corrupt as the F.B.I.’s so-called “investigation” and recommendation not to indict Hellary. What a joke the Director’s announcement was today. He admitted that Crooked Hellary compromised our national security, and he admitted that other people would be indicted for the same thing, but NOT Hellary! Well, did anyone really believe the Democratic President would let his appointed F.B.I. director recommend charges to his Democratic attorney general appointee, against the Democratic presidential nominee that he is campaigning with? The system is rigged. Very tremendously unfair!

        1. Killary Clinton

          The biggest whopper of all: FBI Director Comey admitted that some of the classified information was marked as classified when Killary handled those emails–which shows that Killary has been lying all this time when she claimed the opposite.

        2. Concerned

          Hillary and Bill are the new “untouchables.” They are above the law. No one can touch them: neither the FBI, the DOJ, the courts, or Congress. They are a law unto themselves.

      1. Burny Sanders

        Does anything think it is a coincidence that the FBI’s announcement comes today, as President Obama is set to campaign with Clinton in North Carolina this afternoon as their first 2016 campaign event together?

  4. Ann Teak

    This is even sillier than the Supreme Court case that I read about on this site, about a trademark for haystacks. Don’t you guys have anything better to fight about? How about using your resources to share the Gospel?

  5. Mysty Eid

    Whoever does the proofreading for BarelyAdventist needs to be fired, flogged with a wet noodle, and deported to Alaska. Does anybody else see anything wrong with this: “bars soaps for the soap carving honor”? Come on; as a reputable news outlet, you can do better than that!

  6. Dan Jack'sSon

    The North American Division is also suing the National Association of Dentists for misappropriate of the N.A.D. acronym. The Southern Dental Association is in obvious danger, as well.

  7. Ted Cruise

    I bet Donald Trump will sue the Pathfinders for their use of the phrase “keep a level eye.” He will claim that the Pathfinders want to level the Trump Tower. On a serious note, Trump doesn’t really want to win the election. It seems that he ran just to boost his brand, and got caught off-guard by the groundswell of support for his candidacy. Trump often has these moments where it seems that he’s trying to sabotage his chances. Remember when he said he was surprised that his Muslim ban proposal didn’t sink him? He makes these radical proposals just to get attention. Above all, he is an attention-seeker and he will profit immensely from his candidacy (much more if he loses, than if he wins). Trump is actually a false-flag candidate whose secret intention is to help his good friend Hillary win the election.

  8. richard mills

    U.S.D.A. the United States Department of Agriculture can not longer use those initials. It belongs to the United Seventh-Day Adventists of Tackzackastan, formerly a USSR territory. Anyone in that country in violation will sent to Outer Mongolia, all expenses paid for 9 months. By the way, the litigation with Nissan has been going on for 42 months-1260 days. It all ended in the 7 th year of Jubilee. This is all prophetic. Wait til you hear what the Pope has to say about this incident. Woe to all of YOU!!

    1. Biblical Research Insider

      The 28 months are actually prophetic enough without being 42. The 28 signify to one month for each of the 28 Fundamental Beliefs, which were foretold verbatim by the great prophet Hezekiah.

  9. richard mills

    Our local Nissan dealer has graciously donated two (2) 54 Nissan passenger busses to transport out local Pathfinder Club to the 2019 Camporee. They are also providing enough tents for all of us. The tents are the type used by the climbers of Mt. Everest. So you know they are of quality materials. Nissan will also provide food vouchers to the local Golden Corral in Oshkosh. The voucher is good to any two meals each day. Busses will transport us to the eatery. Forget the ropes. Forget the soaps. Get it while you can. See you all in Oshkosh. Look for the big, shiny, blue & gold color bus with our name emblazoned on the sides. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA to all of you who were left out!!

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