The new committee is entirely dedicated to monitoring each and every one of Adventist historian George K. Knight’s sermons, editorials or banned books.
The academic has grown increasingly critical of the GC, likening power grabs by the Adventist denomination’s leadership to the behavior of the medieval Roman Catholic Church.
The new oversight committee has started its work by asking Knight to voluntarily submit to wearing an ankle monitor and to promise to refrain from penning any more Spectrum articles.
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You guys don’t even know how to spell “Jewelry”??
Ever been to the UK?;)
He spelled it the proper way – the way the entire rest of the English-speaking world besides the U.S.A. spells it. Even here in Canada, we spell it “jewellery”.
I find it odd that SDA employed workers find it difficult to express their views while being employed by the denomination. As soon as one retires, everything seems to let loose. As a former SDA employee, I know where of I speak. Why is that? Let me go back to my crib and chew on some Little Debbies.
Here’s a thought, try being funny. Snarky only gets you so far…really lame.
Cheers for the snark-free comment