Pacific Press publishes dictionary of vegetarian curse words

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NAMPA, Idaho — “Rats,” “shucks,” “poop,” “fiddlesticks, “phooey,” and “son of a Baptist preacher” are just a sampling of the 144,000 church potluck-friendly expletives published in a comprehensive volume called Dictionary of Vegetarian Curse Words published by the Pacific Press today.

The new book faithfully guides Adventists through a “witty wonderland of vegetarian curse terms that are already widely used within the Adventist community.”

Editors of the dictionary were careful only to include terms that had been heard repeatedly in frustrating meetings on the third floor of the GC building.

“We wanted a resource to better equip Adventists with things to say when they are cut off in traffic or when they burn the lentil roast right before Friday sunset,” said Pacfic Press spokesperson, Jumpeen Jehosophat. “Why resort to common worldly curse words when you can use really peculiar vegetarian ones?”

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  1. richeerich

    My kids always called such foods as “YUCKY”!!. Will the ABC carry this edition by Camp Meting time? Reserve my copy, please? Hope no one mentioned the Little Debbies!!

  2. Dictionary is very useful and include important meanings about the particular word. The equip adventists and right for traffic information shared with this post. The common curse words and vegetation satirical to be published here. frustrating meetings and it will be include the terms and conditions. Faithful guide and books are issued for the readers to develop their knowledge. Discussion and real story are available in online. We can click this link and buy the directory directly

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