Pandemonium erupts as Adventist pastor announces potluck is canceled

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BAD move
BAD move
MARIETTA, Ga. — A full scale riot erupted at Marietta Central Adventist Church following a last-minute announcement from Senior Pastor, Des Graciado, that potluck last Sabbath had been canceled.

Reports from the scene said that members sat in stunned silence for a full minute after Graciado slipped in the potluck cancelation announcement at the tail end of his sermon on the virtues of patience.

Pandemonium then broke out as the members, well-known regionally for the gusto with which they prepare for the weekly potluck, began shouting their disapproval.

“I’m not sure where they were hiding them but suddenly several members were waiving burning torches and rolling pins,” said first-time visitor, Joe Floggs, “You would have thought someone tried to cancel Sabbath.”

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  1. richard mills

    Hoorraay for the Pastor in cancelling the Sabbath Pot luck. Now I can go back to eating a regular meal every Sabbath. I’m celebrating next Sabbath with a handful of Little Debbie Oatmeal Crème cookies. Yummy-yummy–good for your tummy. wash it down with a Dr. Pepper non-caffeinated beverage. Too bad you all cannot join me!! Woe iz me!!

  2. Rabbi Rick N Stein

    There is too much work involved in Sabbath potlucks. The meals may have been prepared at home the day before (wink, wink) yeah right more like late friday or early Sabbath morning, but then there is the table set ups, chairs, etc too much work!!!
    This “breaks” the Sabbath big time. I am glad to hear it was cancelled.

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