Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to wed in Sylvia’s Garden at Newbold College

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Good call
Good call
BRACKNELL, England — Prince Harry and US actress fiancée Meghan Markle have announced that they will wed in Sylvia’s Garden on the campus of Newbold College.

The couple said that Newbold, located about an hour west of London, was the ideal location for the upcoming wedding as it was far “less done” that Westminster Abbey and “nothing in Bracknell is interesting enough to distract from the event.”

Prince Harry who went to primary school a few miles from Newbold confessed to never having heard of the place until his now-fiancée came across the college’s stunning Sylvia’s Garden while scanning the UK’s Register of Historic Parks and Gardens for unique locations.

Newbold’s administration is said to have agreed to the event being held on campus after Prince Harry pledged to single-handedly fund the remainder of the restoration work on Sylvia’s Garden.

The new royal couple has decided to hold the wedding ceremony at Newbold but will invite guests to nearby Windsor Castle for the reception “as they allow drinks there.”

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  1. Prince Harry

    I’m having second thoughts, though, because I discovered that Newbold doesn’t allow brides to wear any jewelry — in spite of Jeremiah 2:32 (“A young woman does not forget her jewelry, and a bride does not forget her wedding ornaments.”); Isaiah 49:18 (a bride adorned with ornaments of jewels); and Revelation 21:2 (“a bride adorned for her groom.”). What else does the Bible say about this?

  2. RicheeeRich

    Dear Brother Prince- As you travel this wide world and visit the SDA institutions, you will see much of the wearing of the wedding ring. Not to worry, Prince. Check out Loma Linda, the NAD, the GC, Florida Hospital, Sligo church, Forest Lake church. Too many to mention. Only Little Debbie does not wear a ring. Everything is A-OK.

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