The group has studied a record 1,844 vegetarian Adventists over the Christmas/New Year season and have said that the astronomical combined weight gain demonstrated by those studied proved that Adventists are “living proof” vegetarians can get fat.
“Vegetarian Adventist have a naive belief in the redeeming qualities of being a vegetarian,” said spokesperson for the study, Elle Flacito. “They think that multiple potluck servings and plates full of veggie holiday treats won’t hurt them.
“The realty is that vegetarianism alone does little to cover a multitude of culinary sins,” said Flacito, “Those extra helpings of creamy veggie lasagna will come back to bite you.”
Flacito said that another way to look at the issue is that “being a vegetarian won’t keep you slim if your best friend is Little Debbie.”
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1844 sea’s not enough-you gotta look at 2300 sea’s, including me. my spouse sex I’m already overweight eating haystacks & veggie dogs, etc.
As funny as this article is, it is sadly all too true! That’s because vegetarians and vegans typically eat heavily of carbohydrates which is what causes weight gain!