Take This Quiz to Test Your Knowledge of Adventist Dating Etiquette

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Test your knowledge of Adventist dating etiquette by taking our 10-question quiz:

1) What is the most important question to ask before going on a date with an Adventist?
A) “What’s your favorite hymn?”
B) “Do you believe in the Spirit of Prophecy?”
C) “Can you make a really good haystack?”

2)What is the ideal first date location for Adventists?
A) An Adventist church social
B) A vegetarian restaurant
C) A camp meeting

3) What should you do if your Adventist date orders a non-vegetarian dish?
A) Politely remind them of the health message
B) Ignore it and order your own vegetarian dish
C) Order a non-vegetarian dish as well to make them feel better

4) What is the best way to impress your Adventist date?
A) Show them your Sabbath School quarterly
B) Quote Ellen White’s writings
C) Offer to sing a special music number during church

5) What is the appropriate time to hold hands during an Adventist date?
A) During the sermon at church
B) After the first Bible study
C) Only after you’ve prayed together

6) What is the ideal time of year to have an Adventist wedding?
A) During camp meeting
B) During the Sabbath School picnic
C) Anytime as long as it’s not during the Sabbath

7) What is the worst mistake to make on an Adventist date?
A) Forgetting to bring your Sabbath shoes
B) Not offering to pray before eating
C) Telling a joke that’s not PG-rated

8) What is the best way to end an Adventist date?
A) With a hug and a promise to text them later
B) With a prayer and a handshake
C) With a kiss and an invitation to study the Bible together

9) What is the best way to handle disagreements with your Adventist date?
A) Pray together and seek guidance from a pastor
B) Let them win the argument to avoid conflict
C) Agree to disagree and change the subject

10) What is the best Adventist pickup line?
A) “Today’s greatest controversy would be you not agreeing that we belong together.”
B) “Do you have a Bible? I need to read about how beautiful you are in Proverbs 31.”
C) If I weren’t Adventist, you’d make me want to dance.

1 – C) Can you make a really good haystack?”

2 – B) A vegetarian restaurant

3 – A) Politely remind them of the health message

4 – C) Offer to sing a special music number during church
5 – C) Only after you’ve prayed together

6- C) Anytime as long as it’s not during the Sabbath

7) – B)Not offering to pray before eating

8 – A)With a hug and a promise to text them later

9 – A) Pray together and seek guidance from a pastor

10 – C) If I weren’t Adventist, you’d make me want to dance.

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