Visitor to Adventist Church calls 911 to report guy drowning people

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Scene of the crime
Scene of the crime
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — Police stormed a Seventh-day Adventist Church this morning after reports that a man was drowning people in a tank.

The 911 call came from Primera Ves, a newcomer to Still Waters Seventh-day Adventist Church who had been invited to come to the service by a friend.

“Everything looked fine until the pastor started forcibly dunking this innocent-looking, crying lady into a see-through water tank,” said Ves, who then immediately stormed out of the church and called emergency services.

“It was super scary,” said Ves. “The pastor kept talking about dying to sin and how his victim was headed for a watery grave.”

Ves said that unlike others in the congregation that just sat there praying and sobbing, she knew she had to do something. “There was a whole line of people in robes and I could see in the pastor’s eyes that he was going to get all of them.”

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