Del Delker and Dolly Parton to collaborate on gospel classics album

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NASHVILLE, Tenn. — One of the undisputed legends of Adventist singing will join forces with one of the greatest popular singers in American history to release an album of gospel classics.

Del Delker and Dolly Parton announced in a joint press statement that their upcoming album would be vintage gospel and “school the new school with old school gospel greatness.”

“We’ve both been around forever and we both love gospel so we both thought, why not?” said Delker.

The album will be produced by Lonnie Melashenko, former Voice of Prophecy speaker/director, who confessed that he has been hoping for a Delker/Parton collaboration for “the better part of my professional life.”

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    1. richard mills

      Yo, Bugs-I am perplexed by the word “HUGE”. Please explain. Is it in relation to Dolly’s huge assets? Or the $$$$$$$$$$ to be realized? Can’t wait to see this one. I will go down to Dollyland if I am on good behavior. Will you be there? Woe iz me!!

  1. Cronnie

    I thought of getting this album when it comes out, but then I remembered “Love thy neighbour as thy self” and decided I wouldn’t be loving to them when I put the volume up. A second problem is that it will only becoming out in vinyl to accommodate the audiences that appreciate these two dear old souls, and the stylus on my old turntable broke last Sabbath whiles’t listening to Elvis Presley.

  2. richard mills

    Have you ever been to Dollywood? It is a place well suited for SDA’s & families. A nice place to a GC Session. Biscuits & gravy, Cornpone. Little Debbie factory just down I-75. SDA church right up the road. WalMart nearby. What more could anyone want? Love ya’ Dolly.

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