White Estate Releases “What Would Ellen Do?” Bracelets

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Vespers bling
Vespers bling
SILVER SPRING, Md. — The Ellen G. White Estate has released a line of “What Would Ellen Do?” (WWED) bracelets aimed at reminding Adventists of the counsels of the denomination’s prolific co-founder.

“WWED bracelets will be given, free of charge to every tithe-paying member of the church and the hope is that any Adventist contemplating consuming a beef burger; passing on the purchase of a modest red dress or investing in a bicycle would first consult their bracelet,” said White Estate spokesperson, Elm Havenne.

The decision to produce the bracelets was held up in committees for years as bracelets are, after all, adornment.

“We decided to overlook this technicality as the WWED bracelets are manufactured in a hideous green and actually serve a very important function,” said Havenne. “Just think of them as rubber watches that don’t keep track of time.”

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  1. richeerich

    I always wanted a bracelet like this to wear, to show my support. When will I see them in my Conference? Will the ABC sell them? Can I wear the bracelet and eat my Little Debbies at the same time? Inquireing minds need to know.

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