90% of Adventists say they may have overdone it at last Sabbath’s potluck

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Recently-mandated potluck exit surveys show that 90% of Adventists around the world are carrying a vague sense of guilt about their conduct at last Sabbath’s potluck.

Whether survey respondents hailed from churches in the United Kingdom, Uganda or Utah, a common sentiment was that of remorse over having grossly over-eaten. Analysts warn that exit data shows a steady decrease in members’ ability to resist third and even fourth trips up to the potluck table.

“I always want to be fair and sample everyone’s dishes,” explained Betty Adams of London-based Wimbledon Seventh-day Adventist Church. “As much as I try to keep my portions small, I can barely walk out the fellowship hall door by the end of potluck. I think I might have to transfer to a smaller church.”

Analysts point out that survey data also shows regionally-specific potluck guilt. “North American Adventists have a tendency to skimp on salad servings and over-invest in Special K Loaf,” said GC Potluck Data Director, Manny Juarez. “It’s OK to have a favorite dish but no matter how you slice it, that much cereal and cottage cheese cannot be healthy.”

Juarez added that while the data clearly demonstrates a need for potluck reform, no major church policy changes are anticipated before the 2015 General Conference Session. “No major church leader can afford to champion the cause of potluck restraint. It would cost them the election.”

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  1. Richard Mills

    You should see how much food is piled on those plastic foam plates!! Even if the same food items are on each side of the serving table!! Then some have the nerve to take full plates home for Sunday lunch or for work on Monday!! Yes, there should be some kind of church legislation on this matter of pot lucks. They are getting way out of hand!! I challenge the 2015 GC people to deal with it. Let’s get a committee working on it. Go around as many of the SDA churches and begin the sampling. You’ll see what really goes on!! Don’t mess with the haystacks, the Special K or cottage cheese loaf. My wife will kill me!! Woe is me for I am now hungry!!

    1. Miss Perfection

      Am guilty as charged….only we did NOT use those flimsy foam plates….I take my own plates…those humungous sturdy cardboard ovals, just one will hold enough food to feed a large lady or one entire skinny family!
      After eating my second servings…I’d quickly cut back in line, not wanting to stand in line because its MY Sabbath!…and certainly did NOT want to miss out on Sister Sterns delicious Pine-Nut roast…
      WHY did I do this?
      Because its SABBATH and I’m NOT willing to be controlled or follow rules!
      I march by my own drums (EGW stamp of approved drums!)
      AND I’d take 2 more big oval plates, cut into long lines ahead of others,
      was determined to get the last 6 servings of the Pine nut roast before the hungry mongrels standing and waiting patiently for their turn…
      HEY! its more like this…”Out of sight, out of mind!”…
      if its gone, then they’ll never know what they missed out on!
      AND the next day, its even tastier, reheated on Sunday!
      Plus,I can get some rest on Sunday by my not having to cook for anyone!
      and I can serve my family left over Pine nut roast along with a few other tasty dishes I was able to fit onto those oval plates.
      I just take a bag of mixed veggies from my freezer to complete my Sunday Family meal!
      PLUS, the piles of cookies I was able to fit into my pockets and atop my 3 slices apple pie, offered my family a dessert to die for!…literally die for as stealing is a sin!
      Wages of sin is death!….but oh was it ever tasty! Oink, oink oink!
      Think I’m kidding?…nope….I’ve been around to witness this far too many times.
      One lady brought in 2 of those stainless steel cafeteria trays….after filling both to overflowing, I tackled her down to the floor as a few deacons grabbed the trays before spilling any food and passed along those 2 trays….family style!…happy family!

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