Adventist liberal passionate about open-mindedness as long as it doesn’t challenge his opinions

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He’s open to you changing your mind.
LOMA LINDA, Calif. — Adventist Liberal Max Chellin has spent much of today in full-on productivity mode, mouthing off in all caps online about the extreme narrow-mindedness of conservatives both inside and outside of the church. Whether the topic is church music, permissible Sabbath activities or income tax, Chellin is passionate about blasting tunnel-visioned, conservative attempts to influence just about any agenda. “The problem with conservatives is that they can’t see anybody’s point but their own,” typed a red-faced, righteously indignant Chellin this afternoon while posting a picture of a blinkered horse on his Facebook wall. Close to press time a conservative online frenemy asked Chellin on Twitter if his open-mindedness allowed him to tag along to a local university lecture on liberal hypocrisy. Chellin suddenly remembered a pressing appointment to catch up on a Netflix series this evening.

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One comment

  1. richeerich

    Am I out of the loop or something? Please, can someone explain what Max is up to? I don’t understand all this gibberish & double-talk!! Is Max one of those cultural millennial Adventists?

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