Adventist preacher introductions must clarify whether visiting speaker is single or taken

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This preacher is going cas'
This preacher is going cas’
SILVER SPRING, Md. — Adventist congregations around the world have been ordered to provide what church administrators call a “vital morsel of information” about visiting preachers.

Any such preacher must be indentified as either “single” or “taken” before he or she takes to the pulpit.

“Although some of our churches already clarify whether or not a visiting preacher is available, an alarming amount still are not in the habit of doing so…” said the GC statement.

It added that unless the marital status of the preacher is made clear as early as possible, church members will not be given sufficient time to figure out ways to set single preachers up with friends or family members.

The statement stressed that there would be grave consequences for Adventist congregations that were “thoughtlessly handicapping” Adventist grandparents, parents and others from carrying out their matchmaking duties.

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  1. RicheeeRich

    A few more boxes to check off-Not Interested; Can you cook?; Repair a car?;
    Read more than 1 EGW book?; For or Agin’ WO?; I love Little Debbies. Your church can always find novel ways to make everybody happy!!

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