Every Adventist claims to personally know Paul Lee after his Royal Wedding solo

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Adventist World — Within minutes of Paul Lee completing his stunning solo during The Kingdom Choir’s “Stand by Me” performance at the Royal Wedding, every Adventist around the world was claiming a personal friendship with the denomination’s new star.

Adventist social media users from Birmingham to Bangalore gushed about being so proud of Lee, using even the most tenuous of second to third degree connections to claim a deep and abiding relationship with the coolest person to be outed as Adventist since… well… forever.

Lee, who frequently performs with the London Adventist Chorale, is music coordinator for the South England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists as well as assistant to the SEC president. Thanks to his tremendous performance, “Stand by Me” was added as an official entry in the Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal.

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  1. I am so flattered that BarelyAdventist have published an article about me. Having read some of the previous articles to hoots of laughter, its quite surreal seeing my face and name in print! You certainly have at least one fan!

    1. You were completely brilliant! As was the choir, as was the sermon, as was it all! I felt like I’d gone to church, in the very best way. And I’ll admit to being thrilled to learn you share the same religious heritage. Well done all around.

  2. Sassy McSween

    Well done Paul, looking forward to hearing you sing in the earth made new especially on Sabbath mornings Keep blessing us all with your angelic voice. Eat your heart out devil, you’ve lost your chance. God bless you Paul.

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