GC Executive Committee Letter Of Warning To Biden Over Female VP Commitment

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Dear Vice President Biden,

We got the news that you are planning on choosing a female running mate.

This letter is our warning to you that you are heading down a slippery slope by entertaining such an option and, should you go through with it, we will have no choice but to issue you a verbal, Zoom-based reprimand at Annual Council in October.

We hope you receive this letter and really think through the fact that your female candidates for VP are not ordained and are not approved by our aging, male-dominated and highly inflexible leadership body.

We’ve got nothing against women as long as they don’t speak up or threaten our jobs. In fact, we would fully encourage you to appoint female executive assistants as president. And we get that it can be helpful to have some women around to plan White House receptions.

But please be advised that taking a woman’s God-given leadership abilities seriously means you are out of compliance with our dated and heavily-biased policies. Just sayin’…


The Old Boy Network


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