GC: Posting Selfies With Filters is “Bearing False Witness”

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SILVER SPRING, Md. — The General Conference is cracking down on members using forgiving filters to enhance their selfies. 

“Filters are basically Instagram makeup,” said GC Director of General Interference, Iris Terrande, calling on Adventists around the world to resist the temptation to “bear false witness with flattering filters.”

Terrande said the GC was committed to forming a huge digital adornment committee of bored members with superb filter spotting abilities to comb through the social media accounts of fellow Adventists full-time.

“Many of these individuals are already on the job, entirely on their own initiative,” said the director.

“We will keep a running list of worst selfie filter offenders and notify your local churches,” said Terrande, “there’s always someone judgmental enough in the congregation to take it from there.”


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