OBG – Slide Show: Great Moments from Cradle Roll

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We're taking it back to the old school because we're so cool (or old fools). So take a stroll down memory lane with us (or for those who have never been to cradle roll, prepare for sights that may amaze/terrify) and celebrate great moments from cradle roll. Moments like...


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  1. Kate

    Ah…the good ole’ days. When I was a kindergartener, we had sandboxes for lesson study. When I was Cradle Roll teacher some 35+ years later, I was thankful we didn’t have sandboxes. But one nature program that I wrote about sea turtles, I had a huge sandbox built. It really was too much fun.

  2. Tom Katt

    The cradle roll teacher in my church recently announced that a park ranger would show some animals to the kids. His name was Ranger Yuri, a Russian name. When he entered the room, she accidentally mispronounced his name as “Ranger Urine.” You can imagine the kids’ (and parents’) reaction.

    1. Lisa Willets

      Reminds me of the time a church elder announced a concert in the sanctuary at divine service. He was a stern man, and very strict about avoiding any sort of humor in church. When the pastor handed him the announcement to read, he innocently but clearly mispronounced the visiting singer’s name (Tony Baroni) as “Tony Baloney.” I’ll never forget how his face turned crimson red as the congregation nearly died with laughter. He–the one who always chastised anyone who laughed in church–had inadvertently sparked the most violent fit of laughter in the history of the church.

    2. Larry Klein

      I am reminded of my trip to Ecuador with Maranatha flights to help build a church. A dignified American minister was asked to offer the intercessory prayer in the divine worship hour. Trying to fit in with the Spanish culture and perhaps show off his budding knowledge of Spanish, he announced the prayer in Spanish by saying: “Orinemos.” What should have been a solemn, reverent occasion instantly turned into a pandemonium of hooting laughs. The Ecuadorian pastor explained to him afterwards, that “Let us pray” is “oremos.” By adding an extra syllable to say “orinemos,” the visitor had accidentally said “Let us urinate.” It goes to show that a little knowledge can be dangerous.

    3. Sal Redmond

      In 1988 at Southern Adventist University a very popular student died in a motorcycle accident on campus. The whole student body and faculty were in mourning. Nearly 2,000 people attended the funeral at Collegedale Church. The Student Association President, Mark W., was assigned to read the scripture. Unfortunately he flubbed it bad, reading: “This mortal shall put on immorality.” One letter can make a major difference! Sort of ruined the mood of the service for a few minutes.

    4. Nancy Flemmings

      I used to work for the Southern New England Conference public relations department. When we moved to a different end of the building, we needed a new sign for the door. We ordered one through Office Depot. When it arrived, our maintenance crew installed it on our door. Half an hour later the director stormed in. He was irate. “Did anybody bother to proofread the new sign???” We had not; we only assumed it was correct. The whole office staff went out to look at the door. To our chagrin, the printer or engraver had inadvertently left out a letter. The beautiful new sign said: “Pubic Relations Department.” Fortunately the workmen were able to remove it and we got a free replacement (and rather embarrassed apology from the manager of Office Depot).

    5. Aaron Meisner

      A 1716 edition of the King James version accidentally replaced “Sin no more” from Jeremiah 31:34 with “Sin on more.” There were 8,000 copies printed before anyone noticed. Maybe they weren’t big Bible readers. Perhaps they were busy “sinning on.”

      In a 1631 edition of the Bible printed in England, the typesetters accidentally omitted the word “not” from the seventh commandment. Thus, amid exhortations that “thou shalt not kill” and “thou shalt not steal,” readers were also informed that “thou shalt commit adultery.” One thousand copies were printed and distributed before the printing error was discovered and recalled a year later. King Charles I summoned the printers, Robert Barker and Martin Lucas, to court and they were found guilty. They were fined £300, and their printing license was revoked. Barker died in prison 15 years later. Moral of the story: be careful when type-setting the Ten Commandments!

  3. richard mills

    Every photo is exactly TRUE. My spouse has been a Cradle Roll teacher to many, many years. Also, the babies learned quite a lot as they got older. By the way, what does “Cradle Roll” really mean? Do you roll the cradle or do you roll the cradle around the floor? Just curious!

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