Revealed: Daniel And Three Friends Rejected Nebuchadnezzar’s Food To Feast On Haystacks

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Haystacks await
ANCIENT BABYLON — Earlier today, the Biblical Research Institute unveiled findings regarding the special diet of Daniel and his three friends after they asked to be excused from eating Nebuchadnezzar’s food and wine.

The BRI confirmed that the four Hebrews resorted to eating haystacks non-stop for ten days and that the 10x results were “unmistakable.”

According to the BRI findings, the plant-based recipe for the haystacks consumed by the Hebrews differed significantly from the Adventist haystacks that get served up at socials and camp meetings. 

“Adventists daring to be Daniels should have the discipline to eat their haystacks like Daniel did: forsaking Fritos, cheese or sour cream.”


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  1. Richard Mills

    Daniel&company tried the Impossible Whopper from BK. Supposedly plant based& nutritious, delicious, yummy yummy good for your tummy. I did it ten days straight and its a wonder I am still alive! The local medical facility was also a blessing to me. Daniel& company also had the Impossible Sausage(plant based) from Dunkin Donut. You need to have the cheese in order to appreciate this stuff. Hope they serve this food at the 2020GC session. Other wise, I will starve!! MAGA-make adventism great again at Indy2020 GC.

  2. Gerald McDonald

    If you are not adding anything useful for the salvation of the world, send the money where it is going to be used by God to share Jesus and His salvation. Empty words to attack what God has set up, only brings disharmony, and blocks God’s salvation.

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