Adventist teen prays for boyfriend before the Second Coming

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A burden on her heart...
ST. JOSEPH, Mich.— Espera Tepido has prayed every day for the past year for a nice Adventist boyfriend this side of the Second Coming.

The 16-year-old began making the urgent prayer request one Sabbath morning last year, after her pastor preached that there would be no dating or marrying in heaven.

Horrified, Tepido resolved right there and then to redouble her efforts to snag a boyfriend while there was still time.

Ever since that fateful Sabbath, Tepido has anxiously scanned news headlines to reassure herself that the Time of Trouble is still some ways off.

She has spent the balance of her time scanning promotional brochures and Facebook feeds from every Adventist college in the country for cute prospects.

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  1. Ray Kraft

    Tell her that lots of people like her have been afraid that the Second Coming would come too soon for 2,000 years.

    60 years ago I had the same fears, that the Second Coming would come before I had a chance to life a human life on earth.

  2. Richieeeee Rich

    Espera has her priorities all mixed up. Did EGW pray for a spouse before she had her visions? If Espera needs a boy friend badly, I can hook her with someone in my family. Then they can wait together. Have kids together. Pay bills together. Go to Starbucks together. Go up together and spend eternity together. Neat?

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