28 Super Adventist Potluck Dish Names

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Are you tired of boring old potluck dishes like “deviled” eggs and “naughty” desserts? Fear not, dear Adventist friends, for we have compiled a list of potluck dishes with names that will make you want to shout “Amen!” and “Hallelujah!”

Feel free to use them to name your next potluck contribution:

  1. Great Controversy Goulash – a dish that reminds us of the Great Controversy between good and evil and our role in it.
  2. Ten Commandments Tabbouleh – a dish that reminds us of the Ten Commandments and God’s call to live a righteous life.
  3. Temperance Tacos – a dish that reminds us of the importance of temperance in all aspects of life, as taught by Ellen White.
  4. Covenant Quinoa – a dish that reminds us of God’s covenant with us and His promises to always be faithful.
  5. Last Day Events Lasagna – a dish that reminds us of the events that will take place before the Second Coming of Christ.
  6. Miraculous Multiplication Muffins – a dish that reminds us of Jesus’ miracle of feeding the 5000 with just a few loaves and fishes.
  7. Parable of the Prodigal Pasta – a dish that reminds us of the parable of the prodigal son and God’s unending love and forgiveness.
  8. Pauline Polenta – a dish that reminds us of the Apostle Paul and his teachings on grace, faith, and salvation.
  9. Heavenly Hummus – a dish that reminds us of the heavenly realms and the promise of eternal life.
  10. Reformation Ratatouille – a dish that reminds us of the Protestant Reformation and the restoration of biblical truths.
  11. Sanctuary Stew – a dish that reminds us of the sanctuary services in the Old Testament and Jesus’ role as our High Priest.
  12. Investigative Judgment Jambalaya – a dish that reminds us of the Adventist doctrine of the investigative judgment and our need to be ready for Christ’s return.
  13. Sabbath Succotash – a dish that reminds us of the Sabbath and the importance of rest and worship.
  14. Ministry of Healing Mac and Cheese – a dish that emphasizes the healing ministry of Jesus and our call to be His hands and feet in the world.
  15. Second Coming Spaghetti – a dish that reminds us of the Second Coming of Christ and our readiness to meet Him.
  16. Trinity Tabouli – a dish that reminds us of the triune nature of God and His work in creation and redemption.
  17. Sanctuary Shepherd’s Pie – a dish that reminds us of the sanctuary services and the atonement for sin that it provided.
  18. Prophetic Pot Pie – a dish that reminds us of the prophetic books of the Bible and their messages of hope and warning.
  19. Harvest of Righteousness – a dish that reminds us of the harvest of righteousness that we will reap if we live a life of faithfulness.
  20. Divine Deliverance Dumplings – a dish that reminds us of God’s deliverance of His people throughout history and His faithfulness to His promises.
  21. Counsels on Diet Casserole – a dish that emphasizes the importance of following Ellen White’s counsel on healthful eating.
  22. The Great Controversy Curry – a dish that reminds us of the great controversy between Christ and Satan and our need to choose the right side.
  23. Christ’s Object Lessons Lentil Soup – a dish that reminds us of the object lessons that Jesus used to teach His followers.
  24. Prophetic Pesto Pasta – a dish that reminds us of the prophetic books of the Bible and their messages of judgment and restoration.
  25. Counsels on Stewardship Stir Fry – a dish that emphasizes the importance of stewardship in all aspects of life, as taught by Ellen White.
  26. Steps to Christ Sushi – a dish that reminds us of the steps that we must take to come closer to Christ.
  27. Adventist Heritage Hummus – a dish that reminds us of the heritage and history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
  28. Counsels on Dress and Adornment Dip – a dish that emphasizes the importance of modesty in dress and adornment, as taught by Ellen White
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