ADVENTIST WORLD — The wait will soon be over for Walter Veith fans that need clarity on the approximate date of Christ’s Second Coming. The internet ministry personality promises to reveal the year at the upcoming General Conference Session.
“We may not know the day or the hour but the year is not that hard to figure out if you’ve studied up on your charts and beasts,” said Veith.
“In order for me to make this announcement, I will need for all Jesuits – and you know who you are – to be removed from their speaking roles during GC Session,” said Veith, offering to do an in-depth exposé of shadowy figures in high places in a special video announcement next week.
Veith said that if he has time, he may even present on alien abductions during GC Session.
“It all depends on how long the Q&A time needs to be for the Second Coming announcement,” he said.