10 Awkward Moments Every Adventist Has Experienced at Church

We’ve all been there. Church is a place of worship, community, and sometimes, those cringe-worthy moments that make you want to hide under the pew. Here are ten awkward moments every Adventist Read more […]

10 Complaints Adventist Pastors Have About Their Congregations

Pastoring an Adventist church isn’t for the faint of heart. Between navigating theological debates, battling members and landmine church board agenda items, our pastors have their hands full. Read more […]

Local Adventist Prays For Release From Post-Service Conversation With Chatty Member

Local Adventist Matthew Thompson found himself in desperate need of divine intervention this past Sabbath as he became ensnared in a post-service conversation with Sister Edith, the church’s Read more […]

Extreme Voices Are Tearing Adventists Apart – Help BarelyAdventist Stop Them

Hi there, fellow Adventists! This is Sevvy, the somewhat eccentric but always entertaining founder and main word-slinger of BarelyAdventist. Let’s be real, folks – these days, it seems like Read more […]

7 Reasons Why Jesus Wouldn’t Recognize Modern Evangelicalism

Seven reasons why Jesus would flip the tables if he walked into a modern megachurch. Ditch the Bling: Jesus wasn’t hawking prosperity gospel from a private jet. He hung out with the poor Read more […]

America’s Most American Religion: Mormons or Adventists?

Howdy, folks! Get ready for a lively religious showdown as we delve into the heart of Americana. In one corner, we have the Seventh-day Adventists; in the other, the Mormons. Which of these faith Read more […]

From Tofu to Testimony: The Ethics of Turning Cooking Classes into Conversions

Hey there, BarelyAdventist fam! We’ve got a sizzling topic on the menu today: the ethics of turning cooking classes into conversions. We Adventists love to host vegetarian cooking classes aimed Read more […]

7 Reasons to Lay Off Pastor’s Kids

Alright, Adventist fam, let’s talk about the elephant in the sanctuary – pastor’s kids. We all know they practically come pre-ordained, right? Wrong! But before you launch into a full-on spiritual Read more […]

Top 5 Signs You’re More Belshazzar Than You Think (Spoiler Alert: We All Are a Little Bit)

None of us want to be compared to Belshazzar, the Babylonian king who partied while his kingdom crumbled around him. But the truth is, we all have a little bit of Belshazzar in us. Here are 5 Read more […]